
House Committees

iconLegislation iconHearings iconMembers
Long DescriptionHearing 
31031Adoption & Child Welfare CommitteeNot Scheduled
30811 Agriculture & Conservation Committee Scheduled
30491 Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee Scheduled
30501 Appropriations-General Services Committee Scheduled
30511 Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee Changed
30521 Appropriations-Higher Education Committee Scheduled
31331 Appropriations-Pensions & Personnel Scheduled
30531 Appropriations-Public Safety and Infrastructure Committee Scheduled
31632 sub Fiscal Impact SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31041 Child Care Accessibility & Early Childhood Committee Scheduled
30901 Cities & Villages Committee Scheduled
30551Committee of the WholeNot Scheduled
30541 Consumer Protection Committee Scheduled
30911 Counties & Townships Committee Scheduled
31001Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT CommitteeNot Scheduled
31011Economic Opportunity & Equity CommitteeNot Scheduled
30561 Education Policy Committee Scheduled
30971 Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools Scheduled
30961 Energy & Environment Committee Changed
31101 Ethics & Elections Scheduled
30571Executive Committee         Click here to submit Witness Testimony for May Session Not Scheduled
30581Financial Institutions and Licensing CommitteeNot Scheduled
31231 Gaming Committee Canceled
31532 sub Special Topics SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31341 Gun Violence Prevention Committee Scheduled
30591 Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee Scheduled
30921 Health Care Licenses Committee Scheduled
30601Higher Education CommitteeNot Scheduled
31111Housing CommitteeNot Scheduled
30611 Human Services Committee Scheduled
31562 sub Budget Impact SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31542 sub Medicaid SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31552 sub Special Issues SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31121Immigration & Human Rights CommitteeNot Scheduled
31051 Insurance Committee Scheduled
31351International Relations, Tourism, and TradeNot Scheduled
30621 Judiciary - Civil Committee Scheduled
31492 sub Civil Procedure & Tort Liability SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31512 sub Commercial & Property Law SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31502 sub Constitutional & Family Law SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31522 sub Data Privacy Law & Emerging Issues SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
30981 Judiciary - Criminal Committee Scheduled
30631 Labor & Commerce Committee Scheduled
31612 sub Domestic and International Commerce SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31572 sub Job & Workforce Development SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31602 sub Minority & Women Business SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31582 sub Occupational Licenses SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31592 sub Wage Policy Study SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31622 sub Workers’ Compensation Analysis SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31021 Mental Health & Addiction Committee Scheduled
31361Museum, Arts, Culture, and EntertainmentNot Scheduled
30641 Personnel & Pensions Committee Scheduled
31131 Police & Fire Committee Scheduled
31061Prescription Drug Affordability & Accessibility CommitteeNot Scheduled
31241 Public Health Committee Canceled
30651 Public Utilities Committee Scheduled
31672 sub Natural Gas SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31642 sub Telecom SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31662 sub Utilities SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31652 sub Water SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31141 Restorative Justice & Public Safety Committee Changed
30951 Revenue & Finance Committee Changed
31442 sub Finance SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31432 sub Income Tax SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31412 sub Property Tax SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31422 sub Sales Tax SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31402 sub Tax Credit and Incentives SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31482 sub Tax Policy: Finance SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31472 sub Tax Policy: Income Tax SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31452 sub Tax Policy: Other Taxes SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
31462 sub Tax Policy: Sales Tax SubcommitteeNot Scheduled
30666Rules CommitteeNot Scheduled
31153 Small Business, Techology Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Committee Scheduled
30671 State Government Administration Committee Scheduled
30931 Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Canceled
30941 Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Scheduled
30681 Veterans' Affairs Committee Scheduled