3103 | 1 | Adoption & Child Welfare Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3081 | 1 | Agriculture & Conservation Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3049 | 1 | Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3050 | 1 | Appropriations-General Services Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3051 | 1 | Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3052 | 1 | Appropriations-Higher Education Committee
| Scheduled
| |
3133 | 1 | Appropriations-Pensions & Personnel | Not Scheduled | |
3053 | 1 | Appropriations-Public Safety and Infrastructure Committee
| Scheduled
| |
3163 | 2 |
Fiscal Impact Subcommittee
| Scheduled
| |
3104 | 1 | Child Care Accessibility & Early Childhood Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3090 | 1 | Cities & Villages Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3055 | 1 | Committee of the Whole | Not Scheduled | |
3054 | 1 | Consumer Protection Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3091 | 1 | Counties & Townships Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3100 | 1 | Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3202 | 2 |
Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3201 | 2 |
Data Privacy and Analytics Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3203 | 2 |
Social Media and Content Moderation Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3101 | 1 | Economic Opportunity & Equity Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3056 | 1 | Education Policy Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3097 | 1 | Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools | Not Scheduled | |
3171 | 2 |
Teacher Policy & Research Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3096 | 1 | Energy & Environment Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3194 | 2 |
Clean Energy Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3195 | 2 |
Environmental Justice Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3196 | 2 |
Local Government Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3110 | 1 | Ethics & Elections
| Changed
| |
3057 | 1 | Executive Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3058 | 1 | Financial Institutions and Licensing Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3123 | 1 | Gaming Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3153 | 2 |
Special Topics Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3134 | 1 | Gun Violence Prevention Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3059 | 1 | Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3168 | 2 |
Pharmacy Benefit Manager Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3193 | 2 |
Prescription Drug Affordability Board | Not Scheduled | |
3092 | 1 | Health Care Licenses Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3060 | 1 | Higher Education Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3111 | 1 | Housing Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3061 | 1 | Human Services Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3156 | 2 |
Budget Impact Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3154 | 2 |
Medicaid Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3155 | 2 |
Special Issues Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3112 | 1 | Immigration & Human Rights Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3105 | 1 | Insurance Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3197 | 2 |
Insurance Main Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3198 | 2 |
Insurance Policy Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3135 | 1 | International Relations, Tourism, and Trade | Not Scheduled | |
3062 | 1 | Judiciary - Civil Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3149 | 2 |
Civil Procedure & Tort Liability Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3151 | 2 |
Commercial & Property Law Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3150 | 2 |
Constitutional & Family Law Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3152 | 2 |
Data Privacy Law & Emerging Issues Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3098 | 1 | Judiciary - Criminal Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3187 | 2 |
Criminal Administration and Enforcement Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3189 | 2 |
Juvenile Justice and Systems Involving Youth Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3190 | 2 |
Sentencing, Penalties, and Criminal Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3191 | 2 |
Sex Offenses and Sex Offender Registry Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3188 | 2 |
Weapons and Weapon Safety Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3063 | 1 | Labor & Commerce Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3161 | 2 |
Domestic and International Commerce Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3157 | 2 |
Job & Workforce Development Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3160 | 2 |
Minority & Women Business Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3158 | 2 |
Occupational Licenses Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3159 | 2 |
Wage Policy Study Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3162 | 2 |
Workers’ Compensation Analysis Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3102 | 1 | Mental Health & Addiction Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3136 | 1 | Museum, Arts, Culture, and Entertainment | Not Scheduled | |
3064 | 1 | Personnel & Pensions Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3113 | 1 | Police & Fire Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3172 | 2 |
Fire Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3173 | 2 |
Police Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3106 | 1 | Prescription Drug Affordability & Accessibility Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3124 | 1 | Public Health Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3065 | 1 | Public Utilities Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3167 | 2 |
Natural Gas Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3164 | 2 |
Telecom Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3166 | 2 |
Utilities Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3165 | 2 |
Water Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3114 | 1 | Restorative Justice & Public Safety Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3095 | 1 | Revenue & Finance Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3144 | 2 |
Finance Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3143 | 2 |
Income Tax Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3141 | 2 |
Property Tax Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3142 | 2 |
Sales Tax Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3140 | 2 |
Tax Credit and Incentives Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3148 | 2 |
Tax Policy: Finance Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3147 | 2 |
Tax Policy: Income Tax Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3145 | 2 |
Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3146 | 2 |
Tax Policy: Sales Tax Subcommittee | Not Scheduled | |
3066 | 6 | Rules Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3115 | 3 | Small Business, Technology Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3067 | 1 | State Government Administration Committee | Not Scheduled | |
3093 | 1 | Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges | Not Scheduled | |
3094 | 1 | Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | Not Scheduled | |
3068 | 1 | Veterans' Affairs Committee | Not Scheduled | |