Member Photo

10th District

District Office: 4349 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60641 ( 773 ) 286 - 1115 Map/Driving Directions
Springfield Office: Stratton Office Building, 401 S. Spring Section C, Office B Springfield, IL 62706 Map/Driving Directions
Years Served
2013 - 2019 (House); 2019 - Present (Senate)
Committee Assignment
Pensions (Chair); Criminal Law; Financial Institutions; Judiciary (Vice-Chair); Labor; State Government; Revenue; Torts (Sub-Vice-Chair); Workers Compensation (Sub-Chair).
Attorney; B.A., economics, Boston College; J.D., John Marshall Law School; former Cook County Assistant State's Attorney, in areas of domestic violence, child support enforcement, DUI and general criminal prosecutions; former trustee, Norwood Park Township; former trustee, Village of Norridge; married.
Associated Representative(s)