Member Photo

10th District

District Office: 2532 W. Warren Blvd. Suite A Chicago, IL 60612 ( 312 ) 265 - 1019 Map/Driving Directions
Springfield Office: 256-W Stratton Office Building Springfield, IL 62706 Map/Driving Directions Email:
Years Served
May 2019 - Present
Committee Assignment
Energy & Environment; Financial Institutions & Licensing; Health Care Licenses; Insurance; Labor & Commerce; Police & Fire Committee; Public Utilities; Approp-Pensions & Personnel; Prescription Drug Affordability (Chairperson); Job & Workforce Development Sub (Sub-Chairperson).
Born March 13, 1975; Northeastern Illinois University, B.A.; member, Laborers' International Union of North America and Plumbers Local 130 UA; former president of the Young Democrats of Illinois; community volunteer. Representative since 2019.
Associated Senator(s)