Member Photo

109th District

District Office: 121 Broadway Suite 1 Highland, IL 62249 ( 618 ) 651 - 0405 Map/Driving Directions
Springfield Office: 200-5N Stratton Office Building Springfield, IL 62706 ( 217 ) 782 - 1141 Map/Driving Directions Email:
Years Served
January 2013 - Present
Committee Assignment
Agriculture & Conservation (Republican Spokesperson); Child Care Access & Early Childhood (Republican Spokesperson); Energy & Environment; Human Services; Immigration & Human Rights; Small Business, Tech Innovation; Clean Energy Subcommittee.
Charlie E. Meier serves as the State Representative in the 109th House District. Prior to serving in the General Assembly, Charlie spent six years on the Washington County Board. Charlie resides in Washington County on his family's Centennial Farm. In 2009, Charlie was awarded the State of Illinois Conservation Farm Family of the Year. In addition to farming, Charlie also develops subdivisions with villas and single family residences. Other organizations Charlie belongs to include: Board member of Southwestern Illinois RC&D, Inc.; Vice- Chairman of B.C.M.W.; Addieville Area Jaycees since 1979
Associated Senator(s)