Years Served
January 2003 - Present
Committee Assignment
Approp-Elementary & Secondary Educ (Chairperson); Approp-Public Safety & Infrastruct; Child Care Access & Early Childhood; Energy & Environment; Housing; Labor & Commerce; Minority & Women Business Sub; Fiscal Impact Subcommittee (Sub-Chairperson).
Davis was born on July 2, 1968, in Harvey, IL. He graduated from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in 1989, earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science and received his Master of Public Administration Degree at Governors State University in 2009. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and a founding member of the Better Funding for Better Schools Coalition. Davis has been recognized as the "Legislator of the Year" by the Illinois Association of Code Enforcement, the Illinois Primary Healthcare Association and the Illinois Association of Park Districts.